005: Stashing Joy

joy positive emotions Jan 18, 2021

My dear friend and ResEd colleague, Sheila, often posts about JOY SPOTTING (Find her on IG at https://www.instagram.com/positively.sheila/). During the week, she takes pictures of people and things that bring her joy and then curates them into a post for the week. It brings a smile to my face to see her posts and reminds me of what brought me joy that week as well.

Sheila studied Positive Psychology at UPenn and has shared with me that it takes three to five positive thoughts to counterbalance one negative thought (Dr. John Gottman & Dr. Barbara Frederickson).

I realized that while I don't always JOY SPOT, I do JOY STASH to keep me smiling and upbeat throughout the day.

  • There is a sticker on my computer my niece gifted me of her prized artwork from Kindergarten.

  • My phone has many pictures and videos of my free-roaming, litter-trained bunny named Oreo.

  • The image on my desktop always contains the colors blue and purple because I find them soothing and calming.

  • I keep my favorite quotes taped to my desk to inspire and motivate me as I work.

How do you STASH or SPOT JOY so that you are cultivating it throughout the day?