Resonance Education, LLC.
Helping educators create empowered learning environments
"Resonance Ed has been the most enjoyable and impactful partnership in my 25 years as an educational leader.
They equipped our staff to enhance their ability to connect with students and form a stronger classroom community in conjunction with academic instruction. Together, we trained a cohort of teachers to a level of confidence where they are now training colleagues to multiply our Tier One capacity. Krista's integrity, care, and consideration led to high levels of trust, resulting in immediate classroom impact."
- Administrator for Student Supports and Wellness, PA
"Collaborating with Krista and her team was a truly rewarding experience. They were professional, knowledgeable, deeply committed to our goals, and extremely responsive to our needs. Krista demonstrated great flexibility at every stage of the planning process, adapting to our needs and providing timely solutions. This level of commitment and adaptability significantly contributed to the success of our collaboration."
- Superintendent, PA
"Krista spent a day with our leadership team to unpack results [from the SEL Audit], helping us understand district and building trends that would support future work. Eventually, this led to the development of building-based SEL teams that used the staff audit to support their planning. Krista and her team provided important validation and feedback concerning the complexity of SEL work."
- Assistant Superintendent, NJ
"Krista meets us where we are and uses her extensive expertise to help us think and reflect on our SEL practices. We have grown leaps and bounds as a system with the SEL learning objectives K-12 because of the partnership with Resonance Ed. She has truly gone above and beyond every time we have worked with her!"
- Assistant Director of Student Support Services and Wellness, IL
"Krista was very knowledgeable about SEL. Her professional work supports her research in this area. Too many times presenters want to tell you about their 'research' and not the 'work' they have completed with the topic."
- Principal, GA
"I'm thankful for the opportunity to learn from Krista. I think I can become so content-focused that I forget that my job is also to help students develop intra and inter-personal skills. I appreciate that this gives me ways to integrate SEL in a meaningful way. I know this work can change a child's life and I'm so thankful to work in a district that values it."
- High School Teacher, PA
Organizations We've Worked With
- Bethlehem Are School District (PA)
- Dominus High School (PA)
- Gateway School District (PA)
- Warren Township Schools (NJ)
- Norristown Area School District (PA)
- Gilbert Public Schools (AZ)
- Abington Heights School District (PA)
- High Mount School District (IL)
- Kōkua Academy (HI)
- Forest City Regional SD (PA)
- Piscataway School District (NJ)
- Cheltenham School District (PA)
- Pennsylvania ASCD
- New Hampshire ASCD
- Arkansas ASCD
- Maryland ASCD
- Area 3 SEL Hub (IL)
- Forsyth County Schools (GA)
- Cherokee County School District (GA)
- Dawson County School District (GA)
- Shaler Area School District (PA)
- Morton Community Unit SD (IL)
- Dawson County Schools (GA)
- RSU #57 (ME)
We believe that SEL is not a program.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a set of essential skills, practiced intentionally and co-created with students, that shapes who we are and how we connect with others.
By building proficiency in SEL skills, we cultivate emotional intelligence, leading to improved relationships, better decision-making, enhanced well-being, and increased academic achievement.
Personalized Support for Educator Agency:
We provide tailored support that empowers educators to take ownership of their growth, boosting both their competence and confidence in implementing social-emotional learning.

Collaborative Approach for Collective Efficacy:
We prioritize collaboration, valuing the expertise and experiences of all participants. This approach fosters collective efficacy, ensuring everyone in the room contributes to and benefits from the learning process.
Agility and Expertise in Meeting Immediate Needs:
Our knowledgeable facilitators respond swiftly to the “right now” needs of educators and students, offering classroom coaching and professional learning sessions are adaptable to current challenges.