048: Blog Series: Four Ways to Infuse SEL - Physical Environment

Jan 19, 2023

When I was a classroom teacher and had heard of social emotional learning, my original thought was that it was all about relationships with students. The more I investigated the research, specifically from CASEL, the Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning, I realized there were five different competencies we were trying to help build within students and within ourselves.  

That led me to start thinking about how we can help educators have a more concrete understanding of how to infuse social emotional learning - so that SEL is defined as “who you are and what you do - all day, every day.” 

As Resonance Ed, we do not believe that SEL is a program that is implemented at a specific time of day or during a particular class. We consider four entry points, or ways, to integrate SEL.  

The first way to infuse SEL is through the PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT.

  • How do you feel walking into your building or classroom? What do you see? 
  • What are you internalizing - what messages are you receiving, consciously and unconsciously? 

Many times, we see uplifting quotes, announcements, and posters. But, also consider the trophies, awards, and pictures on display. 

  • What and who is honored and celebrated? Are they representative of the students within your organization, building, and classroom? 

When we examine these further, each message fits into at least one of the five competencies. 

Resonance Ed provides schools with a process that deepens awareness of the five SEL competencies and allows staff to collect data and analyze the environmental messages through the lens of the competencies. 

  • Are all five competencies represented equitably in your classroom or your building?
  • What shifts can you make to create a more equitable alignment of the competencies and foster an environment where students feel seen, valued, and heard?